At Veteran Cigar Club, we celebrate the rich tradition of fine cigars and the remarkable stories of the men and women who have served our nation. Founded by veterans for veterans, our club is a sanctuary where camaraderie, shared experiences, and a passion for premium cigars come together.

Our mission is simple: to provide a distinguished space where veterans can unwind, connect, and enjoy the finer things in life. Whether you're a seasoned cigar aficionado or new to the world of cigars, we invite you to join our community and experience the unparalleled joy of a well-crafted cigar.

Here, every cigar tells a story, and every story is worth sharing. We pride ourselves on our extensive selection of handpicked cigars, designed to cater to a range of palates and preferences. Our members benefit from exclusive access to rare and limited-edition cigars, as well as invitations to special events and gatherings that celebrate both our shared heritage and the art of cigar enjoyment.

At Veteran Cigar Club, we honor the values of integrity, respect, and fellowship. Our club is not just about cigars; it’s about creating lasting bonds and supporting each other through the stories we share. Join us as we toast to freedom, friendship, and the timeless tradition of the cigar.

Welcome to the club. Welcome home.

What Sets Us Apart

What sets Veteran Cigar Club apart is our dedication to both our members and the art of cigar enjoyment. We offer an exclusive selection of handpicked cigars, including rare and limited-edition releases that are unavailable elsewhere. Our members also enjoy access to special events, gatherings, and opportunities to connect with fellow veterans in a relaxed and sophisticated setting.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a welcoming community where members can indulge in the pleasures of cigar smoking, share knowledge, and foster meaningful connections. Through regular events, tastings, and educational sessions, we strive to deepen our understanding and appreciation of cigars while promoting responsible enjoyment.

Our Passion

At Veterans Cigar Club, we believe that cigars are more than just a smoke—they are a celebration of craftsmanship, tradition, and camaraderie. Our club provides a sanctuary where members can unwind, share stories, and cultivate friendships over the finest cigars from around the globe.